Making Movies

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where People Work/ Orzan Auto

Orzan Auto Repair
For 20+ years (which began with my Mother) Orzan has taken care of my 1991 Toyota Corrola.  They have always been honest, thorough, and fast.  I could not have asked for a better mechanic, which in 20+ years I stopped by for more than oil changes and inspections.  Which makes today pretty difficult.

On Friday, August 17th, I was driving to the studio, and noticed the thermostat needle going up a little to fast for comfort.  I decided to go right away to Orzan, maybe I waited just a little too long for the oil change or it needs water....I prayed.  
As I drove there (5 minutes) the car got into more distress, "OH NOOOOOO!"  I pulled to the side (on Dekalb Ave) it cut off.  I waited a bit, turned the key and got to the door of Orzan, which is where it cut off. 

I spent the weekend guessing, hoping, praying I would be able to manage the bill.  Monday the call came "Heeeeeello Ms. Bromfield, ummm I think this is it for the car.  The cost to bring it back is just not worth it.......I knew Friday, but I didn't want to ruin your weekend.  I know what this car meant to you.....".  He said much more but I didn't hear a word.  
I babbled a bit about selling it for parts, what do I do now, anyway didn't matter this 1991 Toyota Corrola, was parked for good. 

It served me well.  It took us (my Mother) back and forth to family gatherings, doctor visits, trade shows, bridal events, jobs, friends who needed pick-ups, and drop offs, the list is endless.  Loved going driving to where ever I wanted to go.

By this time the passenger side doors no longer worked from the inside.  The knobs from the windows fell off, but you know, the air conditioner, cooled right up to end.  It has been hit a few times, stuck on the Long Island Expressway at 1:00 am (AAA is a must for old cars), and it wouldn't always start up (had to keep turning the key),  but like a prize fighter it kept coming back to life (thanks to Orzan).  
One of the last times I had to park in a lot, I watched the new model cars (Benz, Lexus, Jags etc), get retrieved by their owners, and out comes the Toyota from the lift as the parking attendant is shaking his head "They don't make them like this anymore".
Another time as I was leaving Orzan, a guy coming in was looking at the car kind of strange.  He said he thought it was his wife's car, she had one like it.  I asked does it still run and he said "...don't know, don't have the wife anymore."

Today Kevin took the plates off, I turned them into DMV and with the snap of the seat belt (just wanted a piece of the car), it was over.

 I will miss a lot but I won't miss this.

Today I say goodbye to an old friend and thanks for YEARS OF GOOD SERVICE.  I don't know what God has planned but I guess the Toyota needed to make room for a new car.

 I'm going to miss that hunk of steel


sharon said...

What a charming post! I give thanks to that car too. It, and you, of course were there for me numerous times. Xoxo

shimoda said...

Eliminate the old, making way for the new. Let see what shows up.

Libby said...

What a beautiful tribute to 'ole faithful! I can truly understand the sentiments and now I'm literally hoping that my car doesn't fail me before I can get another one. Toyota and Honda made some keepers!

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