Making Movies

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Shoebox of Memories

I have looked at this shoebox of super 8 film for years and with a broken projector, had no way seeing these memories again.....until now.  There are services that will turn your old film into a DVD along with music, but that meant the service would have control over the images.  The editing process is the fun and they don't know my people or my story.

Dijifi, is an absolute God send, I had been searching for a company that would take my film and make a digital format for me to be able to edit the way I want to.  They take your film, turn it into a digital format (they give you some choices depending on your project).  When it's done, all is transferred to your laptop or external hard drive.  

I grew up here in Lindsay Park, which was built in 1964.  2014 will be it's 50th year.  This film highlights a day in the Pool #1 (Lindsay has 3).  Below is the page from a brochure about the pool, which is hilarious, because I remember the promise of Ice Skating in the winter.  That never happened.

This is the first of many (remember I have a shoe box filled to the rim).

1 comment:

Jen said...

No ice skating and not FREE, either! Thanks for sharing!! I look forward to more.

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