Making Movies

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Habari Gani

Have you been building and developing your community, restoring our people back to their traditional greatness?  Yes Yes, of course you have!  If you are apart of a community garden, which makes the neighborhood beautiful, it is a step in the right direction.  Or maybe you begin with a window box of herbs, as it nourishes you it will nourish the community.  
Rebuilding a community may look like a barn raising, but sometimes it starts with the one looking back at you in the mirror.  Pearl Fryar (above) looked first in his back yard. His back yard became the world.  
Go out and plant that seed, Nia.

P.S. below I wrote this in 2005, and it is just for laughs:

Some people can use a little Nia in their life.  You've seen someone who is just wrong, wrong, and wrong.  Like the woman I saw in her electric blue, one shoulder, spandex jumpsuit.  She was shaped like a bag of potatoes.  Now before anyone gets their nose out of joint, I applaud her spunk, what I had a hard time with was it was 10am and she was drunk.  At this moment hooded ninja like gang should have grabbed her from the street and filled her with coffee and some knowledge.   

Hope you had a giggle.

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