Here in Lindsay Park we got free new windows. When we first got the notice, I was in turmoil. Can I refuse them, I won't let the workers in, I don't need new windows these work fine, and what about my air conditioner...... I went on an on in my head. It didn't matter, we were getting new windows.
process: Move your crap from the windows so the workers can get in
there. When I start moving stuff, there is the realization, that I have
just tooooo much stuff. My apartment is more like "Architechural
Indigestion". Ugh Ugh Ugh. So the window project made me re-examine
the stuff I've held onto.
At 6am there was movement in the hallways. At 7am there was a knock at the door "YOU HAVE 15 MINUTES TO GET OUT!!!" "CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN AND GET OUT". All of us (neighbors) hurried down the hallway, into the elevators, and looked up at the building to watch (photo above). After a few minutes I just prayed and went to breakfast.
They worked fast. By 2pm it was done, we were allowed back in the apartment 3pm.
Some of the neighbors complained, whined, and there have been accusations of theft. I wasn't going to sing with that choir.
In the end, the Ecker windows are very nice. Opening and closing them is easier, there is a screen built into the window, which will keep the anything flying out (birds, flies, mosquitoes, etc). With all the windows open, it cooled down the apartment very nicely. I made these curtains (above), also thinking of other window treatments, and I have to paint.
The new windows opened me up to new ideas and I survived my first BIG construction job.
Though I Too Am Enjoying The New Windows For FREE... I Was Also Surprised To Hear That I Was Not The Only One In That So-Called Choir!!! Not Only Did I Get Robbed I Also Had Damaged To My Property That Was No Were Near The Windows, But Also Glass And Harmful Hardware Left Atop Of My Bed! Had To replaced The Damaged Property. Because Management Decided That It was NOT Damaged By The Workers!!!! 'So There Goes FREE Windows' You Sou Say We Got!
So sorry Anonymous, this was completely from my own experience. So I feel your pain.
BTW, have you seen the terrace doors they are offering (not for free)? At close to $2000, I will have to do without.
So sorry Anonymous, for your experience.
Thanks for reading.
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